Thursday, April 2, 2009


Of interest this week...I got into the Galburg Gallery show! I entered a pair of nestling pitchers and a goblet that was carved out to look like a tree, but the eggplant was the one to make the cut. I didn't realize how selective of a show it is. I didn't look at the list in its entirety (too excited ;) but I don't think there were more than fifteen or twenty pieces. That's fantastic though, because there are cash prizes and that drastically increases my chances of gettin me a hundred smackaroos. Also it would be very nice to have another ribbon on my resume.

This past week we packed and fired our saggars. I did two pieces, a sauceish sized bowl that had been altered and an asian-looking lidded container. I used a pipe cleaner soaked in soda ash to wrap around the small bowl. I wadded it upside down to the bottom, and then also wadded the foot ring. I packed the bottom half with pine cones. then I set my container on the wadded foot ring, and covered it in the wheatish part of prairie grasses that had been soaked in an unwashed ash paste. I glazed the inside of the container with the celedon/matte green combination hoping for that oh-so-luscious red. We unpack them tomorrow!!!!!!!

I've been having more weird dreams, last night Melissa aquired a kitten that pooped on her bed. She was younger than I was and had a panic attack about it, so I sent her off to stay with her friend for a couple days while the potty trained? While the problem was taken care of, however it was done.


  1. Oh my god! Congratulations! And you didn't tell me this last night why?

  2. getting a new job is more exciting
